Calling all potential stall holders...

We are inviting all services who support families with children aged 0 – 12 years host a stall and provide an activity for this community event.Have you considered hosting a stand at the Wagga Families and Children Services Expo this year?  If so, don't forget to submit your interest to the committee, a copy of your Public Liability, and obtain your Risk Assessment form to confirm you space.  This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your service and meet the families you support face to face.  If you are a private business, you can also participate.  The stand itself is free to host.  We ask just that a donation of a door prize be included to encourage attendance.  And of course your exciting activity!  Some examples from 2013 can be seen in the images attached.  As you can see, FUN FOR ALL! At your activity stall, you will have an opportunity to provide information about your service to families.  All families will be given a Family and Children Expo bag.  Services are requested to contribute any contact and general information to these bags rather than have their own.  Contact Cahli Wall, Mobile:  0438261582 for details and to save your stand!